Source code for spreads.util

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright (C) 2014 Johannes Baiter <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

Various utility functions and classes.

from __future__ import division, unicode_literals, print_function

import abc
import glob
import json
import logging
import os
import pkg_resources
import platform
import re
import subprocess
from unicodedata import normalize

import blinker
import colorama
import psutil
import roman
from colorama import Fore, Back, Style
from pathlib import Path

[docs]class SpreadsException(Exception): """ General exception """ pass
[docs]class DeviceException(SpreadsException): """ Raised when a device-related error occured. """ pass
[docs]class MissingDependencyException(SpreadsException): """ Raised when a dependency for a plugin is missing. """ pass
[docs]def get_version(): """ Get installed version via pkg_resources. """ return pkg_resources.require('spreads')[0].version
[docs]def find_in_path(name): """ Find executable in $PATH. :param name: name of the executable :type name: unicode :returns: Path to executable or None if not found :rtype: unicode or None """ candidates = None if is_os('windows'): import _winreg if name.startswith('scantailor'): try: cmd = _winreg.QueryValue( _winreg.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, 'Scan Tailor Project\\shell\\open\\command') bin_path = cmd.split('" "')[0][1:] if name.endswith('-cli'): bin_path = bin_path[:-4] + "-cli.exe" return bin_path if os.path.exists(bin_path) else None except OSError: return None else: path_dirs = os.environ.get('PATH').split(';') path_dirs.append(os.getcwd()) path_exts = os.environ.get('PATHEXT').split(';') candidates = (os.path.join(p, name + e) for p in path_dirs for e in path_exts) else: candidates = (os.path.join(p, name) for p in os.environ.get('PATH').split(':')) return next((c for c in candidates if os.path.exists(c)), None)
[docs]def is_os(osname): """ Check if the current operating system matches the expected. :param osname: Operating system name as returned by :py:func:`platform.system` :returns: Whether the OS matches or not :rtype: bool """ return platform.system().lower() == osname
[docs]def check_futures_exceptions(futures): """" Go through passed :py:class:`concurrent.futures._base.Future` objects and re-raise the first Exception raised by any one of them. :param futures: Iterable that contains the futures to be checked :type futures: iterable with :py:class:`concurrent.futures._base.Future` instances """ if any(x.exception() for x in futures): raise next(x for x in futures if x.exception()).exception()
[docs]def get_free_space(path): """ Return free space on file-system underlying the passed path. :param path: Path on file-system the free space of which is desired. :type path; unicode :return: Free space in bytes. :rtype: int """ return psutil.disk_usage(unicode(path)).free
[docs]def get_subprocess(cmdline, **kwargs): """ Get a :py:class:`subprocess.Popen` instance. On Windows systems, the process will be ran in the background and won't open a cmd-window or appear in the taskbar. The function signature matches that of the :py:class:`subprocess.Popen` initialization method. """ if subprocess.mswindows and 'startupinfo' not in kwargs: su = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() su.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW su.wShowWindow = subprocess.SW_HIDE kwargs['startupinfo'] = su return subprocess.Popen(cmdline, **kwargs)
[docs]def wildcardify(pathnames): """ Try to generate a single path with wildcards that matches all `pathnames`. :param pathnames: List of pathnames to find a wildcard string for :type pathanmes: List of str/unicode :return: The wildcard string or None if none was found :rtype: unicode or None """ wildcard_str = "" for idx, char in enumerate(pathnames[0]): if all(p[idx] == char for p in pathnames[1:]): wildcard_str += char elif not wildcard_str or wildcard_str[-1] != "*": wildcard_str += "*" matched_paths = glob.glob(wildcard_str) if not sorted(pathnames) == sorted(matched_paths): return None return wildcard_str
[docs]def diff_dicts(old, new): """ Get the difference between two dictionaries. :param old: Dictionary to base comparison on :type old: dict :param new: Dictionary to compare with :type new: dict :return: A (possibly nested) dictionary containing all items from `new` that differ from the ones in `old` :rtype: dict """ out = {} for key, value in old.iteritems(): if new[key] != value: out[key] = new[key] elif isinstance(value, dict): diff = diff_dicts(value, new[key]) if diff: out[key] = diff return out
[docs]def slugify(text, delimiter=u'-'): """Generates an ASCII-only slug. Code adapted from Flask snipped by Armin Ronacher: :param text: Text to create slug for :type text: unicode :param delimiter: Delimiter to use in slug :type delimiter: unicode :return: The generated slug :rtype: unicode """ punctuation_re = r'[\t !"#$%&\'()*\-/<=>?@\[\\\]^_`{|},.]+' result = [] for word in re.split(punctuation_re, text.lower()): word = normalize('NFKD', word).encode('ascii', 'ignore') if word: result.append(word) return unicode(delimiter.join(result))
class _instancemethodwrapper(object): # noqa def __init__(self, callable): self.callable = callable self.__dontcall__ = False def __getattr__(self, key): return getattr(self.callable, key) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.__dontcall__: raise TypeError('Attempted to call abstract method.') return self.callable(*args, **kwargs) class _classmethod(classmethod): # noqa def __init__(self, func): super(_classmethod, self).__init__(func) isabstractmethod = getattr(func, '__isabstractmethod__', False) if isabstractmethod: self.__isabstractmethod__ = isabstractmethod def __get__(self, instance, owner): result = _instancemethodwrapper(super(_classmethod, self) .__get__(instance, owner)) isabstractmethod = getattr(self, '__isabstractmethod__', False) if isabstractmethod: result.__isabstractmethod__ = isabstractmethod abstractmethods = getattr(owner, '__abstractmethods__', None) if abstractmethods and result.__name__ in abstractmethods: result.__dontcall__ = True return result
[docs]class abstractclassmethod(_classmethod): # noqa """ New decorator class that implements the @abstractclassmethod decorator added in Python 3.3 for Python 2.7. Kudos to """
[docs] def __init__(self, func): func = abc.abstractmethod(func) super(abstractclassmethod, self).__init__(func)
[docs]class ColourStreamHandler(logging.StreamHandler): """ A colorized output StreamHandler Kudos to Leigh MacDonald: """ # Some basic colour scheme defaults colours = { 'DEBUG': Fore.CYAN, 'INFO': Fore.GREEN, 'WARN': Fore.YELLOW, 'WARNING': Fore.YELLOW, 'ERROR': Fore.RED, 'CRIT': Back.RED + Fore.WHITE, 'CRITICAL': Back.RED + Fore.WHITE } @property def is_tty(self): """ Check if we are using a "real" TTY. If we are not using a TTY it means that the colour output should be disabled. :return: Using a TTY status :rtype: bool """ try: return getattr(, 'isatty', None)() except: return False def emit(self, record): try: message = self.format(record) if not self.is_tty: else:[record.levelname] + message + Style.RESET_ALL), 'terminator', '\n')) self.flush() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): raise except: self.handleError(record)
[docs]class EventHandler(logging.Handler): """ Subclass of :py:class:`logging.Handler` that emits a :py:class:`blinker.base.Signal` whenever a new record is emitted. """ signals = blinker.Namespace() on_log_emit = signals.signal('logrecord', doc="""\ Sent when a log record was emitted. :keyword :class:`logging.LogRecord` record: the LogRecord """) def emit(self, record): self.on_log_emit.send(record=record)
[docs]def get_data_dir(create=False): """ Return (and optionally create) the user's default data directory. :param create: Create the data directory if it doesn't exist :type create: bool :return: Path to the default data directory :rtype: unicode """ unix_dir_var = 'XDG_DATA_HOME' unix_dir_fallback = '~/.config' windows_dir_var = 'APPDATA' windows_dir_fallback = '~\\AppData\\Roaming' mac_dir = '~/Library/Application Support' base_dir = None if is_os('darwin'): if Path(unix_dir_fallback).exists: base_dir = unix_dir_fallback else: base_dir = mac_dir elif is_os('windows'): if windows_dir_var in os.environ: base_dir = os.environ[windows_dir_var] else: base_dir = windows_dir_fallback else: if unix_dir_var in os.environ: base_dir = os.environ[unix_dir_var] else: base_dir = unix_dir_fallback app_path = Path(base_dir)/'spreads' if create and not app_path.exists(): app_path.mkdir() return unicode(app_path)
[docs]def colorize(text, color): """ Return text with a new ANSI foreground color. :param text: Text to be wrapped :param color: ANSI color to wrap text in :type color: str (from `colorama.ansi <>`) :return: Colorized text """ return color + text + colorama.Fore.RESET
[docs]class RomanNumeral(object): """ Number type that represents integers as Roman numerals and that can be used in all arithmetic operations applicable to integers. """ @staticmethod
[docs] def is_roman(value): """ Check if `value` is a valid Roman numeral. :param value: Value to be checked :type value: unicode :returns: Whether the value is valid or not :rtype: bool """ return bool(roman.romanNumeralPattern.match(value))
[docs] def __init__(self, value, case='upper'): """ Create a new instance. :param value: Value of the instance :type value: int, unicode containing valid Roman numeral or :py:class:`RomanNumeral` """ self._val = self._to_int(value) self._case = case if isinstance(value, basestring) and not self.is_roman(value): self._case = 'lower' elif isinstance(value, RomanNumeral): self._case = value._case
def _to_int(self, value): if isinstance(value, int): return value elif isinstance(value, basestring) and self.is_roman(value.upper()): return roman.fromRoman(value.upper()) elif isinstance(value, RomanNumeral): return value._val else: raise ValueError("Value must be a valid roman numeral, a string" " representing one or an integer: '{0}'" .format(value)) def __cmp__(self, other): if self._val > self._to_int(other): return 1 elif self._val == self._to_int(other): return 0 elif self._val < self._to_int(other): return -1 def __add__(self, other): return RomanNumeral(self._val + self._to_int(other), self._case) def __sub__(self, other): return RomanNumeral(self._val - self._to_int(other), self._case) def __int__(self): return self._val def __str__(self): strval = roman.toRoman(self._val) if self._case == 'lower': return strval.lower() else: return strval def __unicode__(self): return unicode(str(self)) def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs]class CustomJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): """ Custom :py:class:`json.JSONEncoder`. Uses an object's `to_dict` method if present for serialization. Serializes :py:class:`pathlib.Path` instances to the string representation of their relative path to a BagIt-compliant directory or their absolute path if not applicable. """ def default(self, obj): if hasattr(obj, 'to_dict'): return obj.to_dict() if isinstance(obj, Path): # Serialize paths that belong to a workflow as paths relative to # its base directory base = next((p for p in obj.parents if (p/'bagit.txt').exists()), None) if base: return unicode(obj.relative_to(base)) else: return unicode(obj.absolute()) return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)