Source code for spreads.cli

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright (C) 2014 Johannes Baiter <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

Command-Line interface for configuration, capture, output and postprocessing.

from __future__ import division, unicode_literals, print_function

import sys
import time

import colorama

import spreads.workflow
import spreads.plugin as plugin
from spreads.util import DeviceException, colorize

if sys.platform == 'win32':
    # On Windows, getch is included in the standard library
    import msvcrt
    getch = msvcrt.getch()
    # On POSIX systems we have to do it ourselves
    import termios
    import tty

[docs] def getch(): """ Waits for a single character to be entered on stdin and returns it. :return: Character that was entered :rtype: str """ fd = sys.stdin.fileno() old = termios.tcgetattr(fd) char = None try: tty.setraw(fd) char = finally: termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old) return char
[docs]def draw_progress(progress): """ Draw a progress bar to stdout. :param progress: Progress value between 0 and 1 :type progress: float """ width = 32 num_bars = int(width*progress/1.0) sys.stdout.write('[{0}{1}] {2}%\r'.format( '#'*num_bars, ' '*(width-num_bars), int(progress*100))) sys.stdout.flush()
def _select_driver(current): """ Display driver selection dialog. :param current: Name of currently selected driver :return: Name of newly selected driver """ print(colorize("Please select a device driver from the following list:", colorama.Fore.BLUE)) # Add None as an option to configure spreads without a device available_drivers = plugin.available_drivers() + [None] print(" [0]: Keep current ({0})".format(current)) for pos, ext in enumerate(available_drivers, 1): print(" [{0}]: {1}".format(pos, ext)) while True: selection = raw_input("Select a driver: ") if not selection or int(selection) == 0: return current if not selection.isdigit() or int(selection) > len(available_drivers): print(colorize("Please select a number in the range of 0 to {0}" .format(len(available_drivers)), colorama.Fore.RED)) continue driver = unicode(available_drivers[int(selection)-1]) print(colorize("Selected \"{0}\" as device driver".format(driver), colorama.Fore.GREEN)) return driver def _select_plugins(preselected=None): """ Display plugin selection dialog. :param preselected: Names of currently selected plugins :return: Names of newly selected plugins """ if preselected is None: selected_plugins = [] else: # Create a local clone of the preselected list selected_plugins = preselected[:] print("Please select your desired plugins from the following list:") available_plugins = plugin.available_plugins() while True: for pos, ext in enumerate(available_plugins, 1): print(" {0} {1}: {2}" .format('x' if ext in selected_plugins else ' ', pos, ext)) selection = raw_input("Select a plugin (or hit enter to finish): ") if not selection: break if not selection.isdigit() or int(selection) > len(available_plugins): print(colorize("Please select a number in the range of 1 to {0}" .format(len(available_plugins)), colorama.Fore.RED)) continue plugin_name = available_plugins[int(selection)-1] if plugin_name in selected_plugins: selected_plugins.remove(plugin_name) else: selected_plugins.append(plugin_name) return selected_plugins def _setup_processing_pipeline(config): """ Display dialog to configure order of postprocessing plugins and update the configuration accordingly. :param config: Currently active global configuration :type config: :py:class:`spreads.config.Configuration` """ # Only get names of postprocessing plugins. For this we have to load all # enabled plugins first and check if they implement the correct hook. exts = [name for name, cls in plugin.get_plugins(*config["plugins"].get()) .iteritems() if issubclass(cls, plugin.ProcessHooksMixin)] if not exts: return print("The following postprocessing plugins were detected:") print("\n".join(" - {0}".format(ext) for ext in exts)) while True: answer = raw_input("Please enter the extensions in the order that they" " should be invoked, separated by commas or hit" " enter to keep the current order:\n") if not answer: plugins = exts else: plugins = [x.strip() for x in answer.split(',')] if any(x not in exts for x in plugins): print(colorize("At least one of the entered extensions was not" "found, please try again!", colorama.Fore.RED)) else: break # Append other plugins after the postprocessing plugins config["plugins"] = plugins + [x for x in config["plugins"].get() if x not in plugins] def _set_device_target_page(config, target_page): """ Display dialog for setting the target page on a device. :param config: Currently active global configuration :type config: :py:class:`spreads.config.Configuration` :param target_page: Target page to set on the device :type target_page: One of 'odd' or 'even' """ print("Please connect and turn on the device labeled \'{0}\'" .format(target_page)) print("Press any key when ready.") getch() devs = plugin.get_devices(config, force_reload=True) if len(devs) > 1: raise DeviceException("Please ensure that only one device is" " turned on!") if not devs: raise DeviceException("No device found!") devs[0].set_target_page(target_page) print(colorize("Configured \'{0}\' device.".format(target_page), colorama.Fore.GREEN)) print("Please turn off the device.") print("Press any key when ready.") getch()
[docs]def configure(config): """ Configuration subcommand that runs through the various dialogs, builds a new configuration and writes it to disk. :param config: Currently active global configuration :type config: :py:class:`spreads.config.Configuration` """ old_plugins = config["plugins"].get() driver_name = _select_driver( config["driver"].get() if 'driver' in config.keys() else None) if driver_name: config["driver"] = driver_name driver = plugin.get_driver(config["driver"].get()) else: driver = None # Save driver config.dump(filename=config.cfg_path) config["plugins"] = _select_plugins(old_plugins) _setup_processing_pipeline(config) # Load default configuration for newly added plugins new_plugins = [x for x in config["plugins"].get() if x not in old_plugins] for name in new_plugins: if name not in config.templates: continue config.set_from_template(name, config.templates[name]) # Save plugins config.dump(filename=config.cfg_path) # We only need to set the device target_page if the driver supports # shooting with two devices if driver and plugin.DeviceFeatures.IS_CAMERA in driver.features: answer = raw_input( "Do you want to configure the target_page of your devices?\n" "(Required for shooting with two devices) [y/N]: ") answer = True if answer.lower() == 'y' else False if answer: print("Setting target page on cameras") for target_page in ('odd', 'even'): _set_device_target_page(config, target_page) answer = raw_input("Do you want to setup the focus for your cameras? " "[y/N]: ") answer = True if answer.lower() == 'y' else False if answer: # TODO: Set focus for both devices independently print("Please turn on one of your capture devices.\n" "Press any key to continue") getch() devs = plugin.get_devices(config, force_reload=True) print("Please put a book with as little whitespace as possible " "under your cameras.\nPress any button to continue") getch() focus = devs[0]._acquire_focus() config['device']['focus_mode'] = 'manual' config['device']['focus_distance'] = focus else: config['device']['focus_mode'] = 'autofocus_all' print("Configuration file written to '{0}'".format(config.cfg_path)) config.dump(filename=config.cfg_path)
[docs]def capture(config): """ Dialog to run through the capture process. :param config: Currently active global configuration :type config: :py:class:`spreads.config.Configuration` """ path = config['path'].get() workflow = spreads.workflow.Workflow(config=config, path=path) spreads.workflow.on_created.send(workflow) capture_keys = workflow.config['core']['capture_keys'].as_str_seq() # Some closures def _refresh_stats(): """ Callback that prints up-to-date capture statistics to stdout """ if _refresh_stats.start_time is not None: pages_per_hour = ((3600/(time.time() - _refresh_stats.start_time)) * len(workflow.pages)) else: pages_per_hour = 0.0 _refresh_stats.start_time = time.time() status = ("\rShot {0: >3} pages [{1: >4.0f}/h] " .format(len(workflow.pages), pages_per_hour)) sys.stdout.write(status) sys.stdout.flush() _refresh_stats.start_time = None def _trigger_loop(): """ Waits for input on stdin and launches appropriate actions. """ is_posix = sys.platform != 'win32' old_count = len(workflow.pages) if is_posix: import select old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(sys.stdin) def data_available(): return ([sys.stdin], [], [], 0) == ([sys.stdin], [], [])) def read_char(): return else: data_available = msvcrt.kbhit read_char = msvcrt.getch try: if is_posix: tty.setcbreak(sys.stdin.fileno()) while True: time.sleep(0.01) if len(workflow.pages) != old_count: old_count = len(workflow.pages) _refresh_stats() if not data_available(): continue char = read_char() if char in tuple(capture_keys) + ('r', ): # Capture or retake workflow.capture(retake=(char == 'r')) _refresh_stats() elif char == 'f': # Finish capturing break finally: if is_posix: termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings) if len(workflow.devices) not in (1, 2): raise DeviceException("Please connect and turn on one or two" " pre-configured devices! ({0} were" " found)".format(len(workflow.devices))) print(colorize("Found {0} devices!".format(len(workflow.devices)), colorama.Fore.GREEN)) if any(not x.target_page for x in workflow.devices): raise DeviceException("At least one of the devices has not been" " properly configured, please re-run the" " program with the \'configure\' option!") # Set up for capturing print("Setting up devices for capturing.") workflow.prepare_capture() print("({0}) capture | (r) retake last shot | (f) finish " .format("/".join(capture_keys))) # Start trigger loop _trigger_loop() workflow.finish_capture()
def _update_callback(_, changes): """ Signal handler callback that draws a step's progress. """ if 'status' in changes and 'step_progress' in changes['status']: draw_progress(changes['status']['step_progress'])
[docs]def postprocess(config): """ Launch postprocessing plugins and display their progress :param config: Currently active global configuration :type config: :py:class:`spreads.config.Configuration` """ path = config['path'].get() workflow = spreads.workflow.Workflow(config=config, path=path) draw_progress(0.0) spreads.workflow.on_modified.connect(_update_callback, sender=workflow, weak=False) workflow.process()
[docs]def output(config): """ Launch output plugins and display their progress :param config: Currently active global configuration :type config: :py:class:`spreads.config.Configuration` """ path = config['path'].get() workflow = spreads.workflow.Workflow(config=config, path=path) draw_progress(0) spreads.workflow.on_modified.connect(_update_callback, sender=workflow, weak=False) workflow.output()
[docs]def wizard(config): """ Launch every step in succession with the same configuration. :param config: Currently active global configuration :type config: :py:class:`spreads.config.Configuration` """ print("==========================\n", "Starting capturing process\n", "==========================") capture(config) print("=======================\n" "Starting postprocessing\n" "=======================") postprocess(config) print("=================\n", "Generating output\n" "=================") output(config)