Graphical Interface =================== Installation ------------ To enable the GUI wizard, first make sure that you have an up-to date version of PySide installed on your machine. Then, just re-run the *configure* step and add *gui* to your list of plugins. Startup and Configuration ------------------------- You can launch the GUI with the following command:: $ spread gui Interface --------- On the :ref:`first screen `, you can adjust various settings for your scan. You have to specify a project directory before you can continue. The rest of the settings depends on which plugins you have enabled. Select the plugin to configure from the dropdown menu and make your adjustments. .. _config_page: .. figure:: _static/wizard1.png Initial setup page :ref:`After you've clicked *next*`, the cameras will be prepared for capture by setting their zoom and focus levels. At the top of the screen you can see how many pages you've already scanned, as well as your current average scanning speed. The text box at the bottom of the screen will display any warnings or error messages that occur during the capture process. Next, initiate a capture by clicking on the button (or pressing one of the capture keys). .. _capture_page: .. figure:: _static/wizard2.png Capture page Once you have :ref:`captured your first pages`, you will see the last two pages your cameras shot. Here you can verify that everything went as expected. Should you notice a mistake, you can discard the previous shot and retake it by clicking on the *retake* button. .. _capture_page_images: .. figure:: _static/wizard3.png Capture page with control images Once you've finished scanning your book and :ref:`clicked on the *next* button,` spreads will execute all enabled postprocessing plugins in the sequence that you configured. You can verify the progress in the text box. .. _postprocess_page: .. figure:: _static/wizard4.png Postprocessing page :ref:`Last`, spreads will assemble the processed scans into your enabled output formats. As in the postprocessing step, follow the progress via the text box. .. _output_page: .. figure:: _static/wizard5.png Output page